Five Signs It’s Time for New MAZDA Tires

Even the most durable tires will wear out over time, due to factors such as tread wear, extreme weather, and old age. Here are five signs that it’s time for new Mazda tires at John Lee Mazda.  


Low Tire Tread 

A good way to see if your tires’ tread is too low is the penny test. Put a penny in the tread grooves on your tires, with Abe Lincoln's head pointing down. If you can see the top of Lincoln's head, then the tread is too low and you should get new tires installed at our Mazda service center 

Cracked Rubber 

If the rubber comprising your tires has cracked, it's time for new tires. Cracks are a sign that the rubber has degraded to a point where the reliability and safety of the tires are not where they should be.? 

Odd Vibrations or Noise 

Odd vibrations or noise coming from the tires, especially on smooth roads, could indicate a worn-out suspension, poor wheel alignment, or improperly inflated tires. Moreover, the tires may be damaged or suffering from uneven tread wear and need to be replaced.?Whatever, the case, you should have the car inspected right away at our Panama City, FL, Mazda dealership 

Falling Air Pressure  

If your tire is losing air pressure, it could be because of a small leak. However, if after patching up a few small leaks you see that the tire is still losing pressure, it’s likely that it is past its prime and needs to be replaced at John Lee Mazda 

Air Bubbles 

Sometimes, air bubbles can develop on the sides of, or even on the threads of, your car’s tires. Such bubbles could be the result of production defects, or they can form between the internal layers of a tire that is worn out. Either way, it's time for a replacement. 

Buy MAZDA Tires in Panama City, FL Today 

Now that you’re familiar with these five signs, take a look at the tires on your car. If they’re past their prime, visit John Lee Mazda today for a new set. Our tire specialists will ensure you get the right tires from our Mazda parts department.